This page visited times since February 1997

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«Just half an hour with...»

[A my photo]

Growth Chronicle
of the pages of
fr. Paolo Benvenuto
a Catholic priest in Genoa - Italy

This page reports,
by chronological order,
the dates in which various pages were added,
so that it is easy to understand if new material has been added.

Document Date
N.E.: Cursillos di Cristianità (it has to arrive yet)
N.E.: "Announcement": Five evenings for discovering again the "faith choice" (Genoa Pontedecimo) March 1998
N.E.: Pastoral of the "beginner again" in Lione (France) February 1998
N.E.: Lenten prayer at the families, Villareggia (Ivrea - Italy) February 1998
N.E.: Town Mission for the Jubilee of 2000 in Napoli (Italy) January 1998
N.E.: Parish Catechumenate itinerary assumptions January 1998
N.E.: Evangelization Association Alfa – Omega December 1997
"Just half an hour with..." December 1997
Searching page on the whole site December 1997
N.E.: The New-Catechumenal Community November 1997
N.E.: reflection starting points on how we live, priest and laymen, the evangelization October 1997
N.E.: Cells of S. Eustorgio, Milano (Italy) October 1997
N.E.: Occasions of Pre-evangelization in Parish October 1997
N.E.: Parish Catechumenate for adults September 1997
N.E.: New image of Parish (NIP) August 1997
N.E.: The Parish Movement of the Focolari June 1997
N.E.: NIP: Messengers and children bring near families (Ave Gratia Plena - Barra-Napoli) June 1997
N.E.: NIP: Two hundred children announce the peace more quick than fax (Barra-Napoli) June 1997
N.E.: Proposal Young People June 1997
N.E.: For the young parishes on the road (Vicenza - Italy) June 1997
N.E.: "Mission" on the streets of Firenze June 1997
N.E.: hearing Community June 1997
N.E.: Youth Mission at a parish of Urbania (Pesaro - Italy) June 1997
N.E.: Banchi Centre, Genoa: Walks of Search May 1997
N.E.: Banchi Centre, Genoa March 1997
How the Gospels are born January 1997
Material Index on Bible January 1997
This page January 1997
Who am I? January 1997
N.E.: Pastoral of the First Communion at the Community One of Rivarolo, Genoa (Italy) December 1996
N.E.: daily bread, Rivarolo, Genoa (Italy) December 1996
N.E.: Family Pastoral, S. Angela in Vado, Pesaro (Italy) December 1996
Today burning topics December 1996
N.E.: Popular Mission in Ragusa (Italy) September 1996
N.E.: S. Seat: Catholic Church Catechism September 1996
N.E.: CEI: Adults Catechism September 1996
N.E.: S. Seat: Christifideles Laymen September 1996
N.E.: S. Seat: Redemptoris Missio September 1996
N.E.: S. Seat: Veritatis Splendor September 1996
N.E.: New Testament and Mission September 1996
CEI Documents Index on N.E. August 1996
S. Seat Documents Index on N.E. August 1996
Index New Evangelization (N.E.) August 1996
Home page August 1996

edited by
fr. Paolo Benvenuto < >
Via Salgari 4/4 - 16156 GENOVA PEGLI

Tell me about material I can add to this pages!

This page is on the Web since

May 1998