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The hearing Community
An evangelization experience
for adults



Hearing Community are not a movement: at the evangelization itinerary end they stop existing, but persons at Church, world, history, Kingdom service remain.

Historical outline

Hearing Community were born at the beginning of 1970's, in Genoa. In that period, at S. Siro Parish, at historical centre, for three years monthly encounters have took place all around the city to compare God Word and life, following a precise biblical itinerary, from Abram to Jesus and Church.

Thus it was born the need to transform done experience into a steady evangelization proposal, i.e. into a true gradual faith walk, serious and in-depth, for the duration of some years, creating small adults group inside parishes.

First Community were born in Liguria and Lombardia (Italy) and then extended toward Veneto, Marche, Abruzzo, Piemonte e Campania. Today Hearing Community are present at one hundred parishes in about ten Italian dioceses.



Hearing Community propose two aims:

1. Person evangelization

that, had or had again with other brothers, becomes clerical fact in local Church tissue. Some fundamental aspects:

2. The service

is fruit of evangelization gift. Everybody will answer the call of walking to serve Lord and brothers, according to personal gifts whom he received by Spirit and whom walk help discerning.

How a Community is born


Walk contents


The method

1. The Word announcement

Community meet once every week.

The evening presents three closely collected moments:

  1. Word announcement, done at first by responsible who proposed walk, and then gradually in turn by one or more Community brothers.

Every evening: a text from A.T. or N.T.

We learn to search context, to report text, dwelling on single verses, for receiving message core (the real announcement), to bring up to date what we read.

All of us will learn, also that more simple and less prepared people. We will use texts and comments, but we shall ask the assistance of Spirit, with the necessity of doing silence inside us and passing over that moment moods so as to try to be humble and free tools.

  1. Personal prayer, made by silence and internalising. It's the moment in which heard Word must be welcomed.

Somebody are already be able to pray, other people will find her gradually.

  1. Life revision. Simply and concretely everybody will try to bring up to date Word on his life, starting from "new light" in which his own history and the world one come to take place.

This bringing up to date will be shared with other people: this will help receiving concreteness of what Word proposes and emerging, through brothers faith and life, the wonders made by Lord Word.

2. The accounting

At the end of each announcements cycle, Community stops for two days and it lives together one step.

It is the moment in which we summarise the route done and we try to check the occurred maturation.

3.The celebrating

Sometimes there are Word celebration evenings or mornings: moments who educate to praise and thank Lord for received gifts.

Celebratons of Easter triduum and of seventh day light walk and become reason to take part in liturgy with more consciousness, together with parish Community.

Everybody will learn to read and sing his own history as salvation history. Support and presence of presbyter, who accompanies Community brothers along walk, will be very important.

4. The duration

Some years, in respect of every Community times and rhythms.

5. The responsible

In communion spirit among Churches, sent by their Community, they are welcomed by parish priest who want to start up a walk and whom they will maintain close relations with.

The walk and Community responsible take part in specific learning meetings, based mainly on S. Paolo letters.


The celebrating


LIGURIA Carla and Claudio Corsini
Amarena Street, 16/14 - Tel. (+39-10) 810385
16143 GENOVA
Don Piero Rossi
Parish Nostra Signora Assunta
Tel. (+39-10) 6196040
LOMBARDIA Claudio Bascapé
Savona Street, 71 - Tel. (+39-2) 4233288
20144 MILANO
Don Antonio Klauser
Parish Sulbiate - Tel. (+39-39) 623631
VENETO Adriana e Lino Concina
Testa Street, 4/10 - Tel. (+39-43) 776924
35100 PADOVA
Don Angelo Rigoni
Duomo di Thiene - Tel. (+39-445) 361093
16016 THIENE (VI)
PIEMONTE Silvio Maghenzani
Artom Street, 9 - Tel. (+39-11) 6054401
10127 TORINO
Don Sergio Bosco
Messedaglia Street, 21 - Tel. (+39-11) 290992
10149 TORINO
MARCHE-ROMAGNA Claudia and Franco Casadei
Celletta dell'Oglio Street, 2305 - Tel. (+39-541) 624399
Don Luigi Gianantoni
Rossini Street, 4 - Tel. (+39-721) 955776
ABRUZZO Maria Ferrante
Circovallazione A. Moro Street, 5 - Tel. (+39-85) 8279628
65017 PENNE (PE)
Don Antonio Palmucci
Carmine Street- Tel. (+39-85) 8279560
65017 PENNE (PE)
CAMPANIA Pasquale Cascone
Scarza Street, 3 - Tel. (+39-81) 8704606
Don Vincenzo Scognamiglio
Cosenza Street, 51 - Tel. (+39-81) 871698

(edited by Hearing Community of Genoa)

edited by
fr. Paolo Benvenuto <donpaolo@gsi.it >
Via Salgari 4/4 - 16156 GENOVA PEGLI

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